Hi babes :)
I just looked around in my Vogue from last month where I found a article about blogging... and then I suddenly remembered - hey, I got a blog as well! Why not continuing with it? Well, I'm mostly on tumblr or we heart it, but it's just something special to have an own blog, don't ya think?
Yeah... I'm fine btw, a little stressed from school and puberty, but tho... I'm fine :)
Now we for Christmas break, FOR GODS SAKE, YES FINALLY!
I just wanted to tell you that posts will follow :) Have fun in da sun, feel good n da wood, whatevs. ♡
come as you are, as you were, as i want you to be as a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy, i swear i don´t have a gun, i don´t have a gun. {Nirvana}
Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013
Christmas break!
Samstag, 6. April 2013
New Fashion designs!
Hey everybody!
I started drawing again, while watching Germany's next Topmodel. :)
My head is full of designs again, and so is my drawing book.
Let's see, what you think about this?
Please let me know, which is your favourite, and give me good or bad critic. :)
These ones are inspired of ballet costumes, paired with jeans and harder colours.
Dienstag, 2. April 2013
Now Playing
"Now" by Paramore.
I´m totally fallen in love with this song. It´s AMAZING.
Please listen to it and tell me, what you´re thinking about it. And about the video of course. ;)
The greatest apologies to you, dear readers, really.
I dunno, why I wasn´t here since MONTHS, but school was killing me, and I´m really busy right now.
We have easter holidays now, two weeks. I feel exhausted and tired often this time, but it gets better. Siriusly.
Well... There happened a lot of stuff the last time.
Our pope Benedikt XVI. is gone. No, not dead of course, he just thinks he is too old for this "job". Instead we have Francis the I. now. I´m glad, cause he´s very good - in my opinion. A talented pope ;)
This is just a short statement, so you know I´m STILL ALIVE. Barely, but alive.
Oh hey, I´m also active on DeviantArt again. My Username is EvaTheBird - I drew pics on PC time ago, but now there´s only stuff like Fanfictions of Harry Potter (German) or Oneshots, Poetry, stuff like this.
If you want, you can visit me there...
Yeah, then... I´ll trie to write asap again, thought.
Bless God,
CU soon,
Sonntag, 11. November 2012
Nikey-Childhood-Fashion # 1
Today I wanna show you the first part of my project "Childhood-Fashion." Please comment and share, If you liked it. :) And please notice: This are all photos made by family member, and on every photos you can see ME. So please don´t copy anything without my permission. Thanks :)
Donnerstag, 1. November 2012
Donnerstag, 6. September 2012
Donnerstag, 30. August 2012
Von Mittwoch bis Montag war ich mit Tick in Frankreich...Ja, Frankreich!! Nur haben wir nicht viel von dem Land mitbekommen, da wir in Taizé waren. Das kleine Dorf liegt zwar mitten drin, aber es ist ein internationales Jugentreffen. Kennt ihr es? Dort kommen immer um die 4000 Jugendliche und natürlich auch Familien mit Kindern hin, um zusammen zu beten, die Bibel analysieren und zu dikutieren, zu singen, zu arbeiten und zu leben. Seitdem ich zurück bin, bin ich wie verwandelt... Es hat mir so gutgetan, mal ein paar Tage total von der modernen Welt abgeschieden zu leben und das Leben genießen zu können - Gott nah sein zu können wie nie zuvor. Ich empfehle allen, die sich zu fern von Gott fühlen, einen Ausflug nach Taizé.. Schon zwei Tage helfen, und beseelen euch. Wirklich :)